Rest is Over - Time to Leave Vigo. Back to the Caminho to Santiago de Compostela - Day #17
Rest is Over - Time to Leave Vigo (Spain)
So yesterday was mostly spent like the other 2 days, reading, watching videos, doing a course on Boundaries etc. And finally today I can step well on my foot and I'm ready and keen to make some progress - I even did some stretching this morning to get me more prepared for the road.
I didn't really explore Vigo (Spain), but with the few outings I had to the pharmacy and for food, I noticed that there are banks and pharmacies every 50 metres… Weird. Is this town rich, poor, healthy or ill? The other thing is everyone here is really compliant with the govs order to wear a mask. People wear them everywhere -all the time, so unless a person is eating, drinking or smoking - they'll be putting their mask on.
Anyways it has also been pissing rain a lot and last night's rain would have poured through my tent if I was sleeping outside… So I must look for sheltered places for tonight if I don't want to wake up swimming in my sleeping bag.
More updates later. 😉
Soo good walking through the forest!
The days before I had to sit still in Vigo I found it difficult to make it 15km without feeling exhausted; stopping for short breaks all the time. Today started with a nice breakfast and a walk through town until I got to a massive hill that tortured the crap out of me. But at the top of it, I had the joy of walking many kilometres in the forest. Loved it.
I stopped for a very late lunch (5 pm) after walking 17km and decided to sleep at a hotel again due to the rain that kept pouring and soaking my face as the poncho made me soak with sweat underneath.
I also had the great pleasure of meeting a cat that trusted me and let me stroke it. Cats here are very frightful.
I had a weird experience with the hotel tonight, they sprayed my backpack with disinfectant and put it in a black bin bag, they also checked my temperature 36.3°C… I mused they should spray me down with disinfectant and put me in a black bin bag too… Have a murder mystery party after.