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The Fastest Blister Battle I Ever Won - Getting rid of blisters on the Camino de Santiago

Writer's picture: Leah MeowLeah Meow

Hola amigos!

Gather 'round and let me tell you the tale of when my feet decided to take me on a rough detour during my Portuguese Camino from Porto to Santiago de Compostella back in 2020.


How do you get rid of blisters ASAP

Yep, those pesky little things that can take a hike from pleasant to painful real quick. Even my trusty shoes, reliable companions of many years, betrayed me and this was so unexpected. I've had those shoes for over 4 years by this point, so why the heck....I will never know...

Anyways, a friend suggested stick-on plasters, and they said it's been the best solution for them. Spoiler alert: it wasn't for me. In fact, it was the blister equivalent of thr

owing gasoline on a campfire. So there I was, hobbling about with my funny feet, thinking, "How on earth am I going to heal these blisters fast and continue my journey?!"

Google told me most blisters would pack their bags in about three to seven days. But here's the thing - I'm the kind of person that takes a week to beat a common cold and the flu? Oh, that's a three-week horror story for my system. So, I wasn't exactly brimming with optimism.

plasters, antiseptic and Blastostimulin

But hey, I can't just give up, right?

So, I booked myself a cozy old little hostel in Spain for three days, keeping my fingers crossed. I was on a mission:

Get rid of blisters ASAP!

With plenty of struggle and pain, I went to a local pharmacy... And there we go, enter the hero of my story - Blastostimulin.

Now, before we continue, let me just clarify - I'm not a medic, this ain't a sponsored post, just me sharing my good, bad, and blister-y stories. This wonder medicine, designed to mend everything from wounds to ulcers and skin cracks, came highly recommended by the lady behind the counter.

And oh boy, did it live up to the promise!

Armed with my new-found friend, antiseptic, and plasters, I waged war on my blisters. Can blisters heal in 2 days? I'm not sure. But I can tell you this, Blastostimulin really turned the tide in my blister battle.

Now, don't go thinking I spent those 72 hours running around. Nah! I kicked back, put my feet up and caught up on some much-needed rest. My fellow wanderers, remember, healing is not a race, it's a gentle journey.

 Getting A Blister To Heal

The blisters healed and I was able to hit the road again on the third day. So, there's no surprise - I will keep using this thing in the future too. And blisters are regular visitors for my sensitive feet, even with shoes I've had for years.

Do you have any hilarious or helpful blister stories or peculiar remedies?

Have you tried Blastostimulin or other cool healing products?

on a journey mentally and physically

I'd love to hear from you!

And if you're planning to hit the road soon, check out my post on my trusty travel medication kit, my best buddy on the road.

Remember, amigos, we're on a journey here - mentally, physically and every way in between. So let's keep moving, and keep laughing, one step (blister or not) at a time!



Hey, thanks for dropping by!

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Oh, and I looove coffee, so if you want to treat me to a coffee, you can - if you click the coffee icon 👇

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